
Contractors Web Site Content Suggestions

Contractors, and Subcontractors should consider the following list of items to put into thier web site. It is predicted that customers will want as much information as possible on line to determine the qualifications of a supplier for a particular project. Basic information, qualifications, experience, and references are some of the items that a customer would like to know about a vendor prior to selecting him to bid a project.

Some information that needs to be made available to a potential customer may want to be held in a file, available only to those customers and suppliers that you designate. Access can be made available only to those given a code. Information like customer lists, credit information, banking information etc. should be restricted or made available by E-mail on an as needed basis. E-mail documents can be prepared in advance to send to a customer immediately upon request without posting the sensitive information on the net. A balance between privacy of information and ease of access to that information by a customer or supplier needs to be evaluated by the vendor.

Putting sensitive information directly on the net has both advantages and disadvantages. The following is a discussion of those points.

Advantages: The customer can look at your site and not have to wait for additional information.. All you have t do is give a customer your code for that section of your site and he will have it until you change it. As your information changes, he can have access to that current information without bothering you. Information like current pricing of products and services can be put onto the web.

Disadvantages: Your sensitive information is more accessible to your competition. You have less control over your pricing.

Company Basic Information
Principal Basic Information (For Each Principal, Owner, Partner)
Company Resume
Attorneys Information
Financial Advisors
Bonding Information
Surety Agent
Customer List Information (Secure)
Build a company resume that can easily be sent to customer.
E-mailed to customer
Create a standard E-mail document for each type of project which includes all of the information that a customer would like to have. This would include company capabilities, proposed job team with resumes, customer lists
The document can be produced as a complete document with all of the files included, or can be only a pointer document where documents are referred to in attachments. The latter would be printable for faxing, and printable by the customer directly without having to modify. Check out the systems.
Printed for faxing.
Send it as an e-mail to yourself for printing to Winfax. (Try it out)
Printed for mailing. Check out how you page an e-mail document for effective printing.
Financial Information (Secure Files for e-mailing only)
Financial Statements (Secure Files for e-mailing only)
David E. Black
Phone (805) 985-4873
FAX ..(805) 985-9608

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