AGC-CA Instructions &
Emerging Contractors Code:
WBE = Woman Owned Business Enterprise
MBE = Minority Owned Business Enterprise
VBE = Vetern Owned Business Enterprise
Affiliations Selection
- In the Structnet search engine there is a field in the vendor records
called "Affiliation". This field is designed to contain the different
construction group affiliation like AGC and others. A code was developed
for AGC of California that will allow for the selection of members by District,
Contractor type, Affiliate, or a subcontractor. The following is an explanation
of that code.
- The format for the code is:
- (agc-ca,xx,yy,z) is AGC of California, district "xx", and
member type "yy", Classification "z"
- district 5 is x5, district 12 is 12
- Contractor types are:
- "a" = Affiliate
- "s" = Subcontractor
- "cx" = Contractor All types
- "ch" = highway contractor
- "cb" = building contractor
- "cu" = underground contractor
- Examples:
- (agc-ca) will yeald all AGC of California members
- (agc-ca,x5) will yeald all members in district 5
- (agc-ca,x7s) will yeald all subcontractor members in district 7
- (agc-ca,12ch) will yeald all highway contractors in district 12
- (agc-ca,**cu) will yeald all underground contractors in AGC of California
Copyright 1996
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