Looking at this map of your production process from design develop assemble integrate test & ship will be easily referenced. Everyone in the company will better relate their roll in the schedule.
your product & process will be easily located throughout the schedule due to our consistent, repeatable, reliable links woven into the schedule. We design our schedule to work with zero constraints. "Structnet schedules" revel the critical path no matter ware it occurs. you will function & find the critical path reliably throughout the schedule.
you will know ware to find your job specific schedule data, & it's location. WBS#s are applied at this point. All documentation from this point on can be accessed no matter what stake holder position you hold. Weather you are an Engineer, Purchase dept, Upper Management, Scheduler. You will easily relate to that data you wish. Our structure is developed from an architectural perspective. Everyone on the project team has equal opportunity to the data they need to develop.