Plan the Product and Schedule the Process
The mantra is Plan the Product and Schedule the Process. Planning the product means building a Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) the way the program will be assembled, Intagrated & tested. The way the drawing tree will be listed. Schedule the Process means to use a per-defined set of processes at the Summary Level Planning Package (SLPP) level that is consistent for every product in the system.
Structnet's "Structured Scheduling" begins with planning the product.
We start with a Product-Oriented Product Breakdown System (PBS) for the system to be scheduled. It is developed as an organizational chart. We recommend enhancing the plan with images of the products involved. This makes it so easy for all stake holders involved to relate with systems, products & sub assemblies in the plan. Furthermore we recommend that the plan be developed just as the products will be assembled, integrated & tested. This will lead to a Master schedule that will be easy to function and follow by all stake holders.
Systems Engineering and the Graphically Enhanced Product Breakdown Structure Describing a system using the Product Breakdown Structure is common in the world of Systems Engineering. Complex systems can be solved by breaking them down into smaller problems and organizing them in a way that allows you to see the larger picture as well as the detail necessary to solve the problem. Breaking the system down into Product and Process can be the first steps in finding a solution.
We use an example of a bicycle to demonstrate our plan.